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香皂 竹盐香皂 OEM 生产厂家 政府采购 批发

品 牌: 绿岛缘 
型 号: 125克 
规 格: 125克 
单 价: 12.80元/块 
起 订: 264 块 
供货总量: 888888 块
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2014-12-16 16:38
浏览次数: 777
【香皂 竹盐香皂 OEM 生产厂家 政府采购 批发】详细说明
竹盐香皂古医术《神农本草》及《本草纲目》均有“烤盐”健体的记载,从古到今的沿用验证了,以青深海盐、天然黄土煅烧提炼的竹盐,不仅可以强化人体的新陈代谢功能,强壮体质,还具有滋润皮肤、美白皮肤、祛菌护肤的作用。本品以棕榈油棕榈仁油加工而成的脂肪酸纳为原料,以精制竹盐为辅料加入天然清香香料制成的竹盐香皂,具有良好的清洁、美容肌肤的作用,在国内外备受推崇。主要成分:棕榈仁油、精制竹盐、中草药提取物、植物精油。Bamboo Salt SoapTo keep healthy by heating salt is recorded in both Shennong’s Herbal Classic and Compendium of Materia Medica. The use from ancient times to now proves that the bamboo salt obtained by calcining sea salt and natural loess not only strengthens human metabolism and improves health, but moisturizes, whitens and protects your skin by killing bacteria. The bamboo salt soap, made from sodium aliphatate processed from palm seed oil as the primary material, refined bamboo salt as the auxiliary material, and natural fragrance, plays a good role in cleansing and beautifying skin and is widely recognized both domestically and abroad.Ingredients: palm seed oil, refined bamboo salt, Chinese herb extracts, and plant essential oil
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