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100克保湿护手皂 生产厂家 OEM

品 牌: 绿岛缘 
单 价: 49.00元/块 
起 订: 1 块 
供货总量: 10000000 块
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2014-12-11 15:30
浏览次数: 664
【100克保湿护手皂 生产厂家 OEM】详细说明
7、保湿护手皂(玫瑰)保湿护手皂采用高科技配方,选用纯天然植物油、橄榄油、芦荟、芦笋、蜂蜜、蜂胶、蜂蜡、松花粉提取物等精制而成,专为您的手部肌肤研发,可有效滋润皮肤、防裂、防脱皮,细嫩手部肌肤。每天使用,令双手滋润保湿,自然细致光滑,让您的双手享受自然植物护理的全新体验!成 分:脂肪酸钠、水、甘油、橄榄油、芦荟、芦笋、棕榈酸、氯化钠、二氧化钛、蜂蜜、蜂胶、蜂蜡、花粉素、EDTA二钠、松花粉提取物、CI 19140Moisturizing hand soap:Moisturizing hand soap contains natural vegetable oils, aloes, bamboo shoots, honey, propolis, beeswax, extracts of pine pollen and so on. The aim of this product is for hand skin, which can effectively moisturize skin, prevent hands from cracking and peeling and help them smooth and soft. If you use it every day, it will moisturize your hands carefully, make them smooth and let your hands enjoy comfortable feelings of natural plants. Ingredients: fat sodium, water, glycerin, aloe, bamboo shoots, palmitic acid, sodium chloride, titanium dioxide, honey, propolis, beeswax, pollen element, disodium EDTA, extract of pine pollen, CI 19140
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