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香皂 固体洗面香皂 生产厂家 政府采购 批发

品 牌: 绿岛缘 
型 号: 100克 
规 格: 100克 
单 价: 19.80元/块 
起 订: 264 块 
供货总量: 888888 块
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2014-12-11 15:21
浏览次数: 975
【香皂 固体洗面香皂 生产厂家 政府采购 批发】详细说明
固体洗面香皂本品以天然植物油脂做为油性滋润剂,并含有高级洁面剂、中草药提取物、天然护肤活性因子、保湿因子、精油、蜂蜜和蜂胶,通过高科技合成技术和先进的生产工艺。将洗面奶由液体制成固体。其特点:1、 有的去除脸部的尘污,使皮肤洁净清爽。2、 滋润脸部皮肤,使其柔软光滑富有弹性且护肤。3、 润滑而不腻,保持皮肤水份。4、 抑制皮脂过度分泌。具有抑菌、抗炎等特征。本品使用方便,便于携带,以纸盒包装代替传统的塑料包装,而减少对环的境污染。注:固体洗面奶不含防腐剂、二恶因。旅游携带方便,深受客户的青睐。Solid Face SoapSolidified through high synthesis technologies and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes, this product contains emollients from natural plant oils,top-grade facial cleansing agents,Chinese herbal extracts,natural bioactive skin care factors,moisturizing factors,essential oils,honey and propolis.Features:1. Effectively remove dirt and dust from face to keep your skin spotless,delicate and bright2. Moisturize facial skin to the effect of softness,smoothness,elasticity and skin care3. Lubricate your skin with adequate oil and hold water in skin cells4. Inhibit excess fatty secretion,suppress bacterial growth and resist skin inflammationThis product is not only convenient and portable,but is packed in cartons rather than the traditional plastic bags to reduce environmental pollution.
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