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供应香皂 固体洗发香皂 无添加防腐剂 香精 色素 碱面 滑石粉 绿

品 牌: 绿岛缘 
单 价: 面议 
起 订: 300 块 
供货总量: 100000000 块
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2013-07-15 12:14
浏览次数: 558
【供应香皂 固体洗发香皂 无添加防腐剂 香精 色素 碱面 滑石粉 绿】详细说明
产品品牌:绿岛缘 适用人群:父母/长辈/老师/领导 产地:北京 产品类型:其它 规格:块 mm 单件净重(g):100克 总脂肪物≥:80 % 中性油脂≤:2 % 总游离碱≤:0.3 % 游离苛性碱≤:0.1 % 水分及挥发物≤:15 % 执行质量标准:QB/T 2485-2008 产地:北京 保质期:36 个月 香型:(水韵精油) 颜色:白 箱装数量:30块 贸易属性:其它 固体洗发香皂 固体洗发香皂以优质植物的表面活性成分、头发保湿成分、芦荟提取液、人参提取液、天然护发因子等组成,采用高科技配方、先进工艺研制而成,使发质在清洁的同时得到滋润。该品使用时,泡沫丰富、细密、易于梳洗,性能温和,对发质有一定的滋润保湿作用,洗后头发清洁、滑爽飘柔、易于梳理、光滑柔软、同时能去屑止痒。本品无香精、无色素、无防腐剂,属低碳环保绿色产品,便于携带,使用方便。 成分:植物皂粒、棕榈油、橄榄油、茶籽油、蜂蜜、花粉素、芦荟提取物、人参提取物、食盐。Solid shampoo and soap (Aqua Oil) Solid shampoo and soap to the surface of the active ingredients of plant quality, hair moisturizers, aloe extract, ginseng extract, natural hair care factors and other components. High-tech formula, developed from advanced technology to make hair moisturize while cleaning. The materials used, foam, fine, easy grooming, modest performance, the hair has some moisturizing effect, washed hair clean, smooth Rejoice, easy to comb, smooth, soft, and itching to get rid of dandruff. This product has no fragrance, no coloring, no preservatives, is low-carbon green environmental protection product, easy to carry, easy to use. Is home on business, tourism, bring a good product. Ingredients: plant soap, palm oil, olive oil, tea seed oil, honey, pollen factors, aloe extract, ginseng extract, salt.
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