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单 价: 3.20元/ 
起 订: 1  
供货总量: 100000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 广东 广州市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2015-01-27 19:01
浏览次数: 525
雨刮精 Glass Detergent Concentrate NET:100ML性能与用途:本品是超浓缩型汽车玻璃清洁剂,采用最新的进口配方和技术研制而成,能迅速消除玻璃上的油渍、尘垢、雨渍及指印污垢等,使驾驶视野清晰明朗,行车更安全。本品稀释后也可以用于宾馆、商店及家居玻璃的清洁。使用方法:每次用1瓶,直接加入雨刮箱内,再注满水即可使用,或以1:30稀释后加入使用。注意事项:1.本品不能饮用,如溅入眼或口中,请用大量清水冲洗。2.本品适用于气温在0℃以上使用。如气温低于此温度,可使用慧霖牌防冻型玻璃水。3.应储放在阴凉干爽及儿童接触不到的地方。Characteristics:This product is a highly concentrated car windshield cleaner made under an advanced imported formula and technology. It removes oil stains, dirt, water marks and finger marks on glass quickly, makes the glass clean and bright, and thus offers a wider and clearer view in cars for a safer drive. After dilution, it can also be used to clean glasses in hotels, shops or houses.Application:Use one bottle each time, directly pour it into the windshield wiper box, and then fill up the box with water. Or dilute this product with water at the proportion 1:30 and pour the solution into the windshield wiper box.Caution:1. Don't drink it. When it is splashed into eyes or mouths, wash immediately with plenty of clean water.2. This product is fit for use at a temperature of over 0℃. If the temperature is below 0℃ please use Varlon Brand anti-freeze glass cleaner.3. Keep it away from fire, and store it in a dry and cool place.
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