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单 价: 80.00元/ 
起 订: 10  
供货总量: 10000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 广东 广州市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2015-01-27 18:47
浏览次数: 599
纳米汽车水蜡 Nano liquid Car Wax NET:5L 性能与用途:本品采用纳米技术和独特配方研制而成,对汽车表面的水层具有极佳的亲和力和抗静电作用。具有疏水,光亮,芳香的功能,令停留在车身的水层自然裂解,改善干燥果,用后使汽车表面光亮如新及清新芳香。 使用方法:先用汽车高泡清洁剂(配合慧霖牌的洗车液效果更佳)清洗车身表面,用水冲洗干净后,再用本品兑水1:500稀释喷洒在车身表面,然后用干净布抹干即可(或边吹风边抹干)。 Characteristics: This product is made with nano-technology according to a unique formula. It has excellent affinity to water on the surface of the car body and can stabilize static. It has the function of dispersing water evenly, shining up the surface and giving off fragrance. Due to its even distribution of water on the car surface and its fragrance, the car will look more moist,shiny and fresh and aromatic after its use. Application: First clean the car surface with foam cleaner (for example, Varlon Brand foam cleaner), cleanse with water, then dilute this product with water at the proportion of 1:500 and spray the solution on the car surface, and dry it up with a clean cloth (or with a wind blower.)
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