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益力康进口酵素 玻尿酸 胎盘素、维他命

单 价: 面议 
起 订: 100 盒 
供货总量: 9000 盒
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 福建 厦门市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2015-01-28 05:40
浏览次数: 685
【益力康进口酵素 玻尿酸 胎盘素、维他命】详细说明
纯天然植物性不刺激、不过敏、无副作用的极致奢华修复精粹,能广泛有效的重新调整不平肌肤作用,不止让你的肌肤柔嫩细致,能同时发挥滋润、收敛紧实作用,使老化松弛的肌肤恢复弹性缩张作用,抚平局部凹凸的能力。使用后,让肌肤更纯净并改善晦暗现象,使肌肤看起来更滑顺、健康、紧实,并散发光泽。纯天然的植物长效保湿因子,可发挥其高保湿功能,彻底改善干燥的肌肤,温和、清爽、无油腻感,重整容易干涩的肌肤,保持滋养、湿润,恢复原来肌肤的细嫩、光滑、紧实。 主要成分: 玻尿酸、胎盘素、维他命B5、藜麦萃取、海藻糖、乳糖酸。 使用方法: 早、晚以温水洗净肌肤后,取适量极致奢华修复精粹涂抹于肌肤,按摩轻拍致完全吸收即可。 注意事项: 封口铝盖较为锐利,拆封时需小心。 适用肤质: 所有肤质均适用。 保存期限: 三年 产  地: 台湾 容  量: 10ml*3支/盒 MEFUMI - Skiin Repair Serum (美芙蜜-极致奢华修复精粹) Highlights:   Natural plant or exciting,not allergic,no side effects repair the ultimate essence of luxury,can be widely effective role in the re-adjustment of grievances not only make your skin soft and supple skin,it could also play a moist,tight convergence effect,so that aging relaxation of the skin and restore elasticity shrink Zhang role in the ability to heal local bump.After use,skin is more pure and improve dull,thus making the skin look smooth,healthy,firm,and distributed luster.Natural plant long-lasting moisturizing factor,may play a function of it's high moisture,a radical improvement in dry skin,mild,Fresh,non greasy,easy to re-dry the skin,to keep nourished,moist,to restore the skin's delicate,smooth and tight. Major Ingredients:   Hyaluronic Acid、Placanta Extract、D-panthenol、Methylglycin、Quinoa Extract、Trehalose、Lactobionic acid. Directions:   Morning and evening with warm water after cleaning the skin,Apply on the skin,massage pat-induced fully absorbed. Application of skin:all skin type can be used Date of manuf:marked on the bottle Volume:10ml Stroage life:3 years
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