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品 牌: 沈阳祺盛 
型 号: 复合弹簧 
规 格: 复合弹簧 
单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
供货总量: 1000 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 辽宁 沈阳市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2014-07-05 16:29
浏览次数: 971
橡胶弹簧分类橡胶弹簧:rubber spring是一种高弹性体,制作材料有普通橡胶。橡胶弹簧弹性模量小,受载后有较大的弹性变形,借以吸收冲击和振动。它能同时受多向载荷,但耐高温性和耐油性比钢弹簧差。如有特殊要求可用耐油橡胶制成。该产品减振效果好,共振领域小,使用寿命长,成本低,还有良好的耐寒性,优良的气密性,防水性,电绝缘性,是减振的最佳选择。 The rubber spring of small elastic modulus, loaded with large elastic deformation, to absorb the shock and vibration. It can also be multi-directional loading, but the heat resistance and oil resistance than steel spring difference. If there are special requirements can be used oil resistant rubber. The product has good damping effect, resonance field of small, long service life, low cost, and good cold resistance, waterproof airtight, excellent, electrical insulation, is the best choice for damping. 复合橡胶弹簧:是由金属螺旋弹簧及其外边包裹的优质硫化橡胶共同构成。集金属弹簧和橡胶弹簧的优点于一体,克服了金属弹簧刚性大、工作噪音高及橡胶弹簧承重量小、形状及机械性能稳定性差等缺点。具有更高的载荷量和大变形量、减震降噪效果更好、工作平稳、共振区间短等优点。 It is composed of high-quality rubber metal helical spring and the outside package. Metal spring and rubber spring advantage in one, overcomes the disadvantages of the metal spring rigidity, high noise and rubber spring supporting small weight, shape and mechanical properties of stability and so. Has the advantages of higher load capacity and large deformation, vibration and noise reduction effect is better, stable work, resonance interval is short. 详情请咨询 沈阳祺盛机械有限公司 杨哲 销售经理 手机:13840148326 电话:024-24715899 传真:024-24713668 QQ:495419737 地址:沈阳市东陵区汪北村698号 www.syqsjx.com
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