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品 牌: AB 
型 号: 800T-NX1448 
规 格: 全新原装 
单 价: 50.00元/台 
起 订: 1 台 
供货总量: 200 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 陕西 西安市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2019-02-14 15:13
浏览次数: 2
 800T-NX1448 800T-NX1448------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

v  陕西欣鸿然自动化设备有限公司

v  联系人:宁超         热  线:029-83338136

v  手 机:15339052544  Q Q:1293858601       

v  邮箱:1293858601@qq.com    传真:029-83561013 

The limit switch is used to switch the electrical machinery movement limit position limit.



Limit switch contact type and non-contact. Contact directly, moving parts of machinery and equipment, installed on the trip switch, fixed



point and its relative motion is arranged on the limit position of the block, or the opposite position. When the mechanical contact travel switch



with stop, cut off (or change) control circuit, mechanical stop operation or change operation. Due to the inertia motion, the travel switch "



over travel" to protect certain switch from damage. A lot of non contact form, there is a common reed, photoelectric induction type, etc.,



 these several forms can be seen in the elevator. There are certainly more advanced form. The limit switch is a small current commonly



used master appliances. The collision produced by moving mechanical parts which contact to move on or off control circuit, to control the



 purpose of. Usually, this kind of switch is used to limit the movement of the mechanical position or stroke, the mechanical movement according to a certain position or stroke automatic stop,



reverse movement, variable motion or automatic reciprocating movement. In the electrical control system, the limit switch is



 the role of detection of sequence control,



 position control and positions. For the control



 of mechanical equipment and travel limit protection. Structure: is composed by the operating system and the case, contact head.






Intel Celeron SL6VR 2.0 GHz Socket 478 CPU

AMD Opteron 2356 OS2356WAL4BGH 2.3 GHz Socket Fr2 Quad Core CPU


Adaptec ASR-2010s / 48MB SCSI Raid Controller Card

Dell 7W584 Maxtor Atlas 10K IV 8B146J008075G 146 GB Ultra320 SCSI Hard Drive



Hewlett Packard HP BD1468A4C5 146GB 10K U320 SCSI Drive with Drive Tray

Makko LK-01 Card


道者,何也?曰:君之所道也。君者,何也?曰:能群也。能群也者,何也? 曰:善生养人者也,善班治人者也,善显设人者也,善藩饰人者也。善生养人者人 亲之,善班治人者人安之,善显设人者人乐之,善藩饰人者人荣之。四统者俱,而 天下归之,夫是之谓能群。不能生养人者,人不亲也;不能班治人者,人不安也; 不能显设人者,人不乐也;不能藩饰人者,人不荣也。四统者亡,而天下去之,夫 是之谓匹夫。故曰:道存则国存,道亡则国亡。省工贾,众农夫,禁盗贼,除奸邪: 是所以生养之也。天子三公,诸侯一相,大夫擅官,士保职,莫不法度而公:是所 以班治之也。论德而定次,量能而授官,皆使人载其事,而各得其所宜,上贤使之 为三公,次贤使之为诸侯,下贤使之为士大夫:是所以显设之也。修冠弁衣裳,黼 黻文章,琱琢刻镂,皆有等差:是所以藩饰之也。故由天子至于庶人也,莫不骋其 能,得其志,安乐其事,是所同也;衣暖而食充,居安而游乐,事时制明而用足, 是又所同也。若夫重色而成文章,重味而成珍备,是所衍也。圣王财衍,以明辨异, 上以饰贤良而明贵贱,下以饰长幼而明亲疏。上在王公之朝,下在百姓之家,天下 晓然皆知其所以为异也,将以明分达治而保万世也。故天子诸侯无靡费之用,士大 夫无流淫之行,百吏官人无怠慢之事,众庶百姓无奸怪之俗,无盗贼之罪,其能以 称义遍矣。故曰:治则衍及百姓,乱则不足及王公。此之谓也。
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