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品 牌: 冰之乐 
型 号: BQL-818T 
单 价: 面议 
起 订: 1 台 
供货总量: 25 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 5 天内发货
所在地: 陕西 西安市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2013-07-11 21:54
浏览次数: 601
产品品牌:冰之乐 产品型号:BQL-818T 产品型号:BQL-818T orange 产品说明: 1. 外观采用不锈钢和彩色喷涂材料,美观卫生 2. 微电脑控制,液晶显示,可根据需要调节硬度 3. 使用中外名牌全封闭式压缩机,R22/R410a/R404a 4. 高效强力速冻蒸发器,制冷快速,低温效果极好 5. 本公司提供多种电压和频率的产品供客户选择 (如:110V/60HZ ; 220V/60HZ ; 220V/50HZ) Introduction: 1. The plate body is made of food grade stainless steel and colorful spraying steel , elegant appearance and sanitary 2. Micro-computer controlled system with the temperature digitally shown , regulate the hardness at any time 3. Equipped with the leading completely-sealed compressor , R22/R410a/R404a refrigerant 4. Highly-efficient & fast-cooling evaporator , cooling faster, low-temperature effect is excellent 5. The products we supply with different kinds of voltage and Frequency for you choose (such as 110V/60HZ, 220V/60HZ, 220V/50HZ ) 技术参数Technical parameters 型 号 Model BQL-818T 额定产量 Rated output 18L/H 电 源 Power supply 220V/50HZ 输入功率 Input power 1800 W 净 重 Net weight 90 KG 外形尺寸 Machine size 600X430X680MM 特点: 带有计数器装置,可显示每天产出冰淇淋个数 注: 1. 本系列产品压缩机有阿斯贝拉,日立,泰康,美优乐等品牌供您选择 2. 本系列产品有多种颜色可供选择 Feature have the counter system , can show the number of ice cream for the daily output Note : 1. The compressor of the products are ASPERA , Tecumseh or Maneroo etc for you choose 2. The products of this series have several colors for your choice.
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