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规 格: 行业标准 
单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
供货总量: 99999
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2012-06-19 11:40
浏览次数: 2
产品品牌:HNS 产品型号:HNS0001 填充材料:PP棉 适用年龄:2-18岁 产地:深圳 表面材料:超柔面料 包装说明:简单包装 造型:其它 功能:其它 动漫、影视主题:其它 规格:7寸 我司专业生产各类毛绒玩具,如:毛绒公仔熊,毛绒公仔狗等,各类毛绒动物类填充玩具,婴儿玩具,公仔背包,抱枕,汽车颈枕,毛绒类电动玩具,毛绒娃娃,价格有竞争优势,交货及时,质量可靠,欢迎各大国外采购商及贸易商询价 DivisionI professional production of various kinds of plush toys, such as: plush bear, plush doll dog, various types of plush animal stuffed toys, baby toys, Plush Backpack, car pillow, neck pillow, plush toys, plush dolls, price competitive advantages, prompt delivery, reliable quality, welcome to the major foreign buyers and traders inquiry. 我司可以根据贵司提供的图纸报价及订做。定做条件:请客户提供图片(平面图或手绘图均可/告知产品尺寸,便可设计打样版制作。 We can according to your drawings of quotation and order. 1: 需要提供详细资料(尺寸颜色编号布料名称等等相关详细说明) 2: 打样时间:一般为3 7个工作日左右先做初样供客人确认造型ok后生产正确样版 3: 打样费用:一般情况200-500元(根据产品工节及工序难度而议)下单后退还。大货付款方式:做大货之前先付30%定金,大货验收合格后付清剩下的70%具体的来电/或面谈/联系电话:13760261982 王春艳 E-mail:henhaoyangynag@163.coM 1: the need to provide detailed information ( size color number fabric name and related details) 2: sampling time : generally 3- 7working days to do them for guests to confirm the modeling OK production after the correct sample 3: proofing costs: General (200-500yuan according to product engineering section and process difficulty and discuss) place an order return. Big money payment: do the goods prior to pay 30% deposit, goods after the acceptance of qualified to pay the remaining 70% specific calls or interviews / phone:13760261982 Wang Chunyan E-mail: henhaoyangynag@163.com
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