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cartoon plant ,fruit ,vegetables,ant band sculpture

品 牌: suifang 
单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
供货总量: 88 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 广东 广州市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2014-03-03 20:20
浏览次数: 762
【cartoon plant ,fruit ,vegetables,ant band sculpture】详细说明
表面工艺:pait包装:wood en case or carton
类别:animal sculpture摆挂形式:摆饰
制作工艺:hand crafts

Guangzhou spike fang technology factory specializing in the production of production of film and television animation character sculpture, cartoon sculpture, Snow White and the seven dwarfs, pleasant goat and grey Wolf, too, Donald, Tom bear KFC/McDonald's children's cartoon sheep, waving sculpture, superman sculpture, AoTeMan series sculpture, sun wukong sculpture, golf sculpture, cook sculpture, Mickey Mouse sculpture, Disney sculpture, Marine biological sculpture, golden child sculpture, cartoon ants orchestra sculpture, children's park, sculpture, etc.

Professional design and production simulation animals: simulation sika deer and simulation elephant, the door big lion, kirin, sculpture, the running horse, don simulation horse, zebra, tiger, leopard, bullfighting, Wall Street cow sculpture, simulation camels, buffalo, Taurus, the tortoise, swans, crane, monkey, hills, giraffe, Christmas deer, crocodile, sea lions, dolphins, the small white rabbit, walrus, the panda, the stain dog, crab, carp, rooster, hen, frogs, the grasshopper, grasshoppers, and earthworms and simulation landscape garden.

Contact: ROSE
Mobile: 0086-13602801083

TEL: 0086-020-29172387
Fax: 0086-020-80724940


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