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品 牌: 蓝晨 
型 号: LC-GS-UHT系列 
规 格: LC-GS-UHT系列 
单 价: 200000.00元/台 
起 订: 1 台 
供货总量: 20 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 30 天内发货
所在地: 河北 廊坊市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2014-02-08 12:26
浏览次数: 953







▲系统安全性强,系统配件皆选用性能好可靠性高的产品系 统设计高度重视人身,设备安全,蒸汽,热水,物料等都有压力保护措施和报警系统。


The tube (pipe) sterilize machine can take hot process on the liquid foods and beverage. Compared to the sterilizer of other model, it has the following characteristics:

▲ High heat effect, 90% of the heat can be recycled after heating the material.

▲Temperature ap between the medium and the material is small, so to realize gentally heating;the heating pipe adopts wave pipe, the material and the medium are both in flow.

▲It is of high automatic degree, can automatically control and record from CIP cleaning to pipe sterilizing to sterilizing the material.

▲It is of precise and reliable sterilizing temperature control: automatically control the affecting sterilizing temperature system such as steam pressure, flow ,and material flow.

▲The inside of the material pipe adopts advanced polish technology, pipe joints automatically,pipe design realize complete automatically clean, and the whole process sterilizes, so to ensure the system aseptic.

▲It is of strong system safety, the fillings all adopts reliable product with good capacity, the design values the human, safe equipment, and the steam, hot water and the material all adopts pressure protection methods and alarm system.

▲It is of high reliability system, The main fillings such as material pump, hor water pump, valves, electric elements of controlling system, and the executive elements are all world famous. tube pasteurizer and yoghourt special sterilizer can be designed to order. The tube UHT sterilizer of our company is to filling the aseptic package only. It fits to various aseptic package, such as: aseptic paper package, aseptic paper, plastic, aluminum composite film package,aseptic PET bottle package,especially fit to the production of liquid milk.

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