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Cyanine5 NHS ester 100mg

品 牌: 5454 
型 号: 4564 
规 格: 6546 
单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 陕西 西安市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2015-03-24 14:23
浏览次数: 6
【Cyanine5 NHS ester 100mg】详细说明

Cyanine5 NHS ester详细产品信息如下:

Cyanine5 NHS ester

Cat. #           Quantity         价格       货期

13020             1mg              1320       2-3周

23020           5mg            2520       2-3周

43020           25mg           4920       2-3周

53020           50mg           8340       2-3周

63020           100mg          14280      2-3周

Cyanine5 NHS ester基本信息:

Appearance:    dark blue powder

Molecular weight:  616.19

Molecular formula: C36H42ClN3O4

CAS number:  1032678-42-4, 350686-88-3

Solubility:good in polar (DMSO, DMF) and chlorinated (DCM, chlroform) organic solvents, low solubility in water

Quality control:      NMR 1H (95%) and 13C, TLC, functional testing

Storage conditions: Storage: 24 months after receival at -20°C in the dark. Transportation: at room temperature for up to 3 weeks. Avoid prolonged exposure to light.

我公司Cyanine5 NHS ester产品应用说明:

During last years, Cyanine5 flurophore (analog of Cy5®) has become an incredibly popular label in life science research and diagnostics. Fluorophore emission has maximum in red region, where many CCD detectors have maximum sensitivity, and biological objects have low background. Dye color is very intense, therefore quantity as small as 1 nanomol can be detected in gel electrophoresis by naked eye.

This Cyanine5 NHS ester (analog to Cy5® NHS ester) is a reactive dye for the labeling of amino-groups in peptides, proteins, and oligonucleotides. This dye requires small amount of organic co-solvent (such as DMF or DMSO) to be used in labeling reaction (please see our recommended protocol for more details). This reagent is ideal for very cost-efficient labeling of soluble proteins, as well as all kinds of peptides and oligonucleotides. This reagent also works well in organic solvents for small molecule labeling. For more sophisticated targets such as easily degradable proteins, when use of DMF or DMSO is undesirable, consider using water-soluble sulfo-Cyanine 5 NHS ester which does not require co-solvent, and has very similar fluorescent properties.


21020             Cyanine3 NHS ester

25020             Cyanine7 NHS ester

45320             Sulfo-Cyanine7 NHS ester



电话:029-86354885  经理手机:13309186942   QQ:31952518 
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