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供应巴拓离心机 SB型三足式密闭大翻盖离心机/开盖离心机/密闭离心机

品 牌: 巴拓 
型 号: SB型 
单 价: 面议 
起 订: 1  
供货总量: 1000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 苏州市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2013-07-02 09:04
浏览次数: 691
【供应巴拓离心机 SB型三足式密闭大翻盖离心机/开盖离心机/密闭离心机】详细说明
产品品牌:巴拓 产品型号:SB型 产品用途:工业过滤用 类型:三足离心机 结构类型:落地式 布局形式:立式 适用对象:其它 结构和分离要求:过滤离心机 应用领域:化工 产品类型:全新 SB三足式上部卸料离心机SB Three-column Top Discharging Centrifuge■主要特点Features1、结构设计合理,有效的消除了卫生死角,结构件过渡圆滑,表面经抛光处理,外部结构件、紧固件和转鼓都采用不锈钢制造。外壳为翻盖式,可对离心机外壳与转鼓夹层空间进行彻底清洗。2、外壳翻盖,设置进料管、洗涤管、观察镜、照明孔。3、配置在线清洗系统,对离心机外壳内壁、转鼓内外表面、集液槽表面等离心机内部不可见部位进行清洗,保证了洁净度要求,符合GMP规范。4、结构简单,操作维修方便。5、通用性强,适用范围广。既可用于固相为颗粒状的悬浮液分离,也可用于纤维状物料的分离。6、可采用变频器启动,启动平稳,分离因数可调;非接触式能耗制动系统;防静电皮带传动;机体密闭结构,密封件采用硅橡胶或氟橡胶。可实现密闭防爆要求,适合于有毒和易燃、易爆场合的应用。7、配置氮气保护系统,保证离心机内腔与外部空气隔离。8、晶粒不易破碎。1、Well-designed structure leaves no place depositing dusts designed smoothly and polished on the surface. The case, hinged enclosure cover, it is easy to clean the gap between.2、Hinged enclosure cover, feeding tube, washing tube, watching lens and lighting hole.3、Automatic online cleaning system cleans the internal wall requirements in accordance with GMP standards...4、Simple structure, convenient repairing.5、Wide range of applications. It can be applied for separating the liquid mixed with particles, also for fibers.6、Inverter startup, smooth starting, adjustable separation factor. Non-touching braking system, static-proof belt transmission. Leak-proof structure with silicone rubber or fluoroelastomers seats. It is of anti-explosion applied to poisonous, flammable and explosive environment.7、Nitrogen protection system ensures segregating the air.8、No damage to the particles. ■    选装配置Device For Choice1、清洗喷淋系统。2、氮气保护系统。3、外部结构件(机座等)材料为不锈钢。4、按用户所分离物料的防腐要求采用相应的不锈钢材料(SUS304、316、316L、321等)。5、无基础形式(无基础底盘及减振垫)。6、传动与制动:防爆电机(或普通电机)+变频器+能耗制动。1、Washing & cleaning spray system2、Nitrogen protection system3、Outside structure parts (such as machine chassis parts) are made of stainless steel.4、Choose the corresponding stainless steel (such as SUS304, 316, 316L, 321) according to the customer’s erosion proof requirement for separated material.5、Non-foundation form (non-foundation chassis or shock reduction cushion)6、Transmission and brake normal motor (explosion prevention motor) ~ frequency modulator + power consumption brake. ■    标准配置Standard Manufacturing Form1、结构:外壳配置翻盖及进料管、洗涤管、观察镜、排气口、照明孔;密闭结构,转鼓及外壳、翻盖等部件为不锈钢材料(SUS304)制造。2、所有紧固件为不锈钢件。3、传动与制动:普通电机(或防爆电机)+磨擦式自动离合器+磨擦式手动制动装置。1、Structure Feeding pipe, Washing pipe, Observation window, Exhaust hole, Lightening hole have been applied in the turning over cover of the outshell. The sealing structure rotating drum outshell, and outshell, turning over cover are all made of stainless steel(SUS304)2、All tightening parts are made of stainless steel3、Transmision and brake normal motor (explosion prevention motor) + friction type automatic clutch + friction type manual brake. ■技术参数Technical Parameters■ 结构图■定货须知Guide for placing order1、材质:与物料接触部分可为普通不锈钢、特殊不锈钢、衬橡胶、衬塑、钛合金等。2、驱动方式:普通电机或防爆电机带离合器驱动、电磁调速电机驱动、普通电机或防爆电机的变频驱动等。3、制动方式:机械制动或电制动等。4、机座型式:有基础或无基础。1、Material:Stainless steel, titanium alloy, carbon steel or rubber coating, plastic coating etc.2、Methods of liquor drainage:overflowing installation etc.3、Driving means:Common asynchronous motor or explosibility separation asynchronous motor etc.4、Types of bases:Common base etc.
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