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规 格: 行业标准 
单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
供货总量: 99999
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2010-09-29 01:32
浏览次数: 5
1、Material:High-purity aluminum reflector, light housing and heat sinkHigh intensity tempered glassHigh powerful LED light sourceHigh efficiency imported LED driver 2、Usage:Citystreet,pavements,squares,school,park,yards,inhabitancyarea,factoriesand some other places where need lighting. 3、Features:1.Uses two units of single powerful LED(30W-100W) as the light source, using ourproprietaryLEDencapsulation.Utilizesthespecialdesignofmulti-chipsinglemodule.Imported high brightness semiconductor chips. 2.Integrative design for heat sink and housing ;The LED is closely connected tothe surface. The heat from LED is removed through the heat dissipation wing and alsoby the air ventilation. The design ensure a 50,000hours life-span for the LED. If itworks12hoursperday,Itcanworkover10years.Themaintenancechargearemuchlowerthan other street light. 3.The die-casting aluminum alloy housing is effective in waterproofing and dustprevention. It also helps in removing the heat properly. The surface of the light isspecially treated, so it is able to bear an ultraviolet ray and resist to corrosion.The whole light meets the standard of IP65. 4.Usesmonomerellipsereflectorwithspheroidcamberedsurfacesoitcancontrolthe LED light pertinently in a needed area. This special design can improve theuniformity of the light and the utility ratio of the energy used. Compared withtraditional sodium lights, it can save electricity more than 60%. 5.Noillglare;noabruptandfrequentflashes.Thedesignensurethatbadglareiseliminated,visionfatigueanddisturbancearousedbytraditionalstreetlightandalso can improves the safety of the driving.
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