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发布信息当前位置: 首页 » 供应 » 机械及行业设备 » yolanda SAE100 1/2”-1AT钢丝编织液压软管。高压胶管

yolanda SAE100 1/2”-1AT钢丝编织液压软管。高压胶管

品 牌: yolanda 
型 号: SAE100 1/2 
规 格: SAE100 1/2 
单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
供货总量: 1000000 米
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 广东 广州市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2014-08-05 12:03
浏览次数: 666
【yolanda SAE100 1/2”-1AT钢丝编织液压软管。高压胶管】详细说明
SAE100RAT/EN853SN钢丝编织液压胶管(SAE管)用途:适用于输送液压流体和水性液体。特性:用耐油和耐天候良好的特种橡胶制造,采用镀铜钢丝编织增强,外观为黑色光面及黑色布纹。 胶管执行DIN EN853、美国SAEJ517 100R标准。工作温度: 40℃~﹢100℃SAE100RAT/EN853SN WIRE BRAIDED HYDRAULIC HOSEApplications: For delivery of the same hydraulic liquids or water-based liquids.Feature: Made of excellent oil-resistant and onto-ageing rubber.The reinforcement is smooth finsh. The hose is made in conformity with DIN EN853.American standard SAEJ517 100R1A(T) and 100R2A(T).Working temperature range is within-40~ 100℃.SAE100RA/EN853ST钢丝编织液压胶管用途:适用于输送液压流体和水性液体。特性:用耐油和耐天候良好的特种橡胶制造,采用镀铜钢丝编织增强,外观为黑色光面及黑色布纹。 胶管执行DIN EN853、美国SAEJ517 100R标准。工作温度: 40℃~﹢100℃SAE100RA/EN853ST WIRE BRAIDED HYDRAULIC HOSEApplications: For delivery of the same hydraulic liquids or water-based liquids.Feature: Made of excellent oil-resistant and onto-ageing rubber.The reinforcement is smooth finsh. The hose is made in conformity with DIN EN8531ST\\2ST.American standard SAEJ517 100R1A and 100R2A.Working temperature range is within-40~ 100℃.电话:020-37721838手机138 2442 2322业务QQ:659111571Email:659111571@qq.com
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