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京典牌XW-12除锈中和酸 洗涤用品

品 牌: 京典牌 
型 号: XW-12 
规 格: XW-12 
单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
供货总量: 10000 桶
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 东莞市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2014-07-08 10:42
浏览次数: 742
【京典牌XW-12除锈中和酸 洗涤用品】详细说明
产品说明:除锈中和酸,是与洗衣粉配套的清洗剂,它能防止织物发灰兼去除织物中余氯和铁锈渍,使织物变白变亮。13602308272 产品特点:能中和织物中的残留碱。能除去织物中余氯,保护织物。防止织物发灰 ,变黄,延长了织物的寿命。 适用衣料:适用于各种布草。 使用说明:应根据衣物的碱残余物多少酌情加入。一般每公斤干衣物应加入1到3克中和酸。 Product Description: Rust and acid, is supporting cleaner and washing powder, and remove it to prevent the fabric over the fabric and rust stains cyanide, the fabric white . Product Features: Can neutralize the residual alkali in the fabric. Cyanide can be removed over the fabric to protect the fabric. To prevent the fabric , yellow, extending the fabric of life. Applicable Fabrics: For a variety of linen.13602308272 Instruction to Users: Clothing should be based on how much discretion the alkali residue added. Generally should be added per kg of dry clothes in the 1-3 g and acid.
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