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发布信息当前位置: 首页 » 供应 » 化工 » 美孚力富合成润滑脂shc1000大桶


单 价: 17500.00元/支 
起 订: 1 支 
供货总量: 10 支
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2015-01-28 00:04
浏览次数: 637
美孚1號全合成車用油脂是一種由合成基礎油及複合鋰基增稠劑所調製之高性能的NLGI 2號油脂。 本產品的增稠劑系統提供了高滴點,同時添加劑擁有最佳的抗極壓特性、防水沖洗性和防銹、防腐蝕功能。本產品不論在高溫或低溫均具優異性能,特別適用於碟型剎車之輪軸承、滾珠、轉向接頭及萬向接頭。它提供了在重負荷、高轉速及有凝結霧氣下優異的軸承保護性能。工作温度是-40至150度.Product Description: Mobil 1 Synthetic Grease is an NLGI No 2 high-performance automotive grease which combines a synthetic base fluid with a lithium complex soap thickener. The thickener system provides a high dropping point, while additives impart optimum extreme-pressure properties and excellent resistance to water wash, and outstanding protection against rust and corrosion. Mobil 1 Synthetic Grease has excellent structural stability. The synthetic base oil used in Mobil 1 Synthetic Grease gives it excellent performance properties at both high and low temperatures. High structural shear stability coupled with a high performance base oil make Mobil 1 Synthetic an outstanding automotive grease. Features and Benefits: Mobil 1 Synthetic Grease provides the following advantages and benefits:
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