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发布信息当前位置: 首页 » 供应 » 建筑建材 » 功能材料 » 保温、隔热材料 » 天津冷库用XPS挤塑板厂家直销15333245000


品 牌: 德斯莱福 
型 号: 齐全 
规 格: 齐全 
单 价: 10.00元/塑料包 
起 订:  
供货总量: 10 塑料包
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 河北 廊坊市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2014-07-26 17:46
浏览次数: 1
 冷库建筑内外环境温差大,内部温度大,水汽渗透压力严重,使应用于冷库建筑的保温材料面临极为严峻的考验。北鹏挤塑板卓越的抗水汽渗透、抗压性能,使其在冷库中的应用尤显优势,并能应用于各种部位。包括楼地板、内外墙体、屋顶吊顶等。   在冷库建筑中使用挤塑板的主要优点包括:   1、保温隔热性能即使在恶劣工作环境下仍保持恒久不变,确保冷库建筑使用功能。   2、因材料具有闭孔式蜂窝结构,因而高度抗潮隔气,防止冷凝结露。   3、不易受压蠕变,保证建筑物结构的使用特性,在应用于楼地面时,为楼地面板提供了极佳的负载支撑。 Temperature inside and outside refrigeratory building can differ largely. High internal temperature brings about severe vapor infiltration, imposing a great challenge to heat insulating materials used in refrigeratory buildings. With outstanding vapor infiltration and compression resistances, Beipeng plastic extruded board excels in application in refrigeratory buildings. Besides, the board can be widely used in many positions such as floor, interior and exterior walls, suspended ceiling, and etc. Why using Beipeng plastic extruded board in refrigeratory buildings: 1.Constant heat insulation performance is ensured even when the work condition is rigorous, allowing normal use of refrigeratory building. 2.The material is of closed-cell cellular structure, which enables it to have high wet-proof and vapor isolating performance so as to prevent dewing. 3.The product's compression resistance ensures it free from creep deformation and thus guarantees the use characteristics of building structure. When applied in floor, the product provides the best load support for building floor.
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