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供应潮都物美价廉餐垫 CD8820八系列餐垫 量大从优(图)

品 牌: 潮都 
型 号: CD8820 
单 价: 面议 
起 订: 100 个 
供货总量: 100000 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
所在地: 浙江 杭州市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2013-07-06 09:58
浏览次数: 878
【供应潮都物美价廉餐垫 CD8820八系列餐垫 量大从优(图)】详细说明
产品品牌:潮都 产品型号:CD8820 材质:PVC 餐垫 PLACEMAT成分: 70% PVC 30% Polyester潮都餐垫面料采用无毒,无异味的环保PVC,经SGS检测符合欧盟安全标准。此产品系采用高强度涤纶工业长丝包覆PVC,经织造、定型、裁切而成。制成的特斯林餐垫表面平整,纹理清晰,耐高温,易清洗,安全卫生。由于特斯林餐垫中加入了有效的抑菌成分,可有效抑制细菌滋生。主要用于桌面保护、桌面美化的桌旗、餐垫、盘垫、杯垫等。是家居与酒店的首选。特斯林餐垫可以有效防止刮伤、烫伤桌面,图案美观,经久耐用。特斯林餐垫优美的图案、时尚的设计更赋予你温馨、浪漫的生活!The CHAODU placemats adopt PVC as the raw material which is non-toxic, inoffensive and enviromental protective, and it accord the safety standard with the European Union through the test of SGS, With the materials of high strength polyester industrial filamant with PVC coated, through weaving, heat setting and cutting, the finished products are characteristics of smooth and clear texture on the surface, high temperature resistance, easy for clearing, safety and health. As some of effective antibacterial ingredients are mixed in the materials, this kind of products is immune to bacteria. For the advantages mentioned above, wich are widely used as table runners, placemat, and coasters for protecting the desktop from scratching and scalding, they are also beautiful and durable. For the dedicat pattern and fashion design, our lives are endowed with warm and romance! 洗涤与注意事项:1、请用60℃以下清水加洗洁精用细毛刷刷去污点,再用清水冲洗抹干放阴凉处晾干即可。2、请勿接触钢丝球等硬物、勿机洗或置入微波炉消毒、勿暴晒。Washing and instructionsWashed by the brush with some cleaner in the water , please make sure that the temperature of the water is under 60℃ and then rinse with clean water and dry up.Do not clean by the machine or place in microwave sterilization for defecting and not to exposure.
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