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规 格: 行业标准 
单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
供货总量: 99999
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 肇庆市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2010-07-13 20:41
浏览次数: 1
Canneed ”CVG-100和CVG-200罐头真空度测定仪Canners Vacuum Gauge”用于测量罐头真空度。CVG-100特别适合现场测量,轻巧便携。CVG-200特别适合在实验室测量,省力方便。用罐头真空度测定仪的穿刺头在罐头上穿刺,密封胶形成暂时密封,真空压力表显示罐头真空度。CVG-100由直径60mm的真空表,穿刺头和密封胶组成。CVG-200由穿刺支架、直径60mm的真空表,穿刺头和密封胶组成。技术参数测量范围:-0.1--0 Mpa(相当于 -15--0 Psi , -76--0 cmHg)分度值:0.005 Mpa 准确度:+/-2.5%(即 +/-0.0025 Mpa)the Canneed “CVG-100 and CVG-200 Canner’s Vacuum Gauge”, Used to measure the vacuum pressure of seamed cans. The gauge is placed on top of the can and the piercing needle is forced through the top of the can. The rubber collar forms a temporary seal to allow for measurement. CVG-100 is designed for using near the product line, Consists of a 0 to 76cm Hg vacuum gauge, pierce point, and rubber collar. Also available with dual scale to measure pressure to 15 psi. CVG-200 is designed for using in lab, Consists of a holder, a 0 to 76cm Hg vacuum gauge, pierce point, and rubber collar. Also available with dual scale to measure pressure to 15 psi.Technical data (Changes reserved):Vacuum range: 0-0.1 Mpa; (0-15 Psi; 0-76 cmHg)Resolution: 0.005 MpaAccuracy: +/-2.5%
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