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品 牌: sinvta 
型 号: HT-BHC22A 
规 格: HT-BHC22A 
单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
供货总量: 100 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 30 天内发货
所在地: 广东 东莞市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2014-05-08 23:09
浏览次数: 590
杯型口罩生产线 機台簡介Machine Introduction: 此机为专门针对高污染工业使用的杯型口罩研发的高自动化机型,口罩本体部分可以使用1-6层的PP无纺布及过滤材料。从多层原材料自动上料热压成型、冲切口罩杯体外形、杯体定位及LOGO印刷再到自动上鼻线、冲切呼吸阀,焊接耳带直至到成品。机器工作过程中不会破坏材料的防护特性,成品过滤效果可达N95标准。 This machine is designed for high polluting industries cup mask developed using highly automated models, masks, body parts can be used 1-6 layers of PP non-woven and filter material. From the multi-layer thermoforming automatic feeding raw, cutting cup body shape, cup positioning and LOGO printing and then automatically on the nose line, breathing valve punching, welding ear with up to finished product. Machine work process does not destroy the protective properties of materials, finished filtering effect of up to N95 standards. 样品 機台特性Machine Features: 1.採用PLC控制,人機界面觸摸屏顯示,充分顯示人性化操作理念; 2.高自动化程度,操作方便快捷,產量極高,絕對是N95口罩生產廠家的首選產品。 1. It adopts PLC control, man-machine interface touch-screen display, it shows humanized operating concept; 2. High degree of automation, easy to operate, high yield, N95 mask is definitely the preferred manufacturer products. 規格參數 Specifications: 機器型號 MODEL NO. 功率 OUTPUT POWER 超音波系統 ULTRASOIC SYSTEM 生產速度 WORK SPEED 電源 POWER SUPPLY 氣壓 AIR PRESSURE 重量 TOTAL WEIGHT 機器尺寸(MM) DIMENSIONS HT-BHC22A 7KW 20KHz 16pcs/min 50/60Hz AC220V 7Kg/CM2 2200KG 7500L*1600W*2200H ※產品改良之需如有設計變更恕不另行通知 ※Specifications are subject to change for product improvement. 实拍机器出货照片
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